Monday, August 23, 2010

house hunt

Shopping for apartments is probably one of the most time-consuming and frustrating things to do. It is unfortunate that the first realtor we dealt with was so inexperienced. Sure, she was a nice girl, but she showed us some of the crummiest apartments we have ever seen for a normal market price. After a few apartments, we knew something was wrong, so we tried another agency. The apartments the lady there offered were a little better; hopefully we will be getting a look at some good stuff this weekend with her.

Ever since arriving in Wuhan, my colleagues and I have been randomly running into other ML teachers. Essentially, whenever we saw a white person, we assumed that he/she teaches at ML. We spent a lot of time in Vanke (a huge apartment complex where most of the teachers live) these couple days due to house hunting, and randomly said hello to white strangers walking by. This resulted in spontaneous invites to check out their apartments and to have dinner with them along with the other staff. It surprises me how friendly and supportive the staff at ML is. It is definitely something I would not be able to find in a school back in Vancouver.

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