Sunday, August 22, 2010


After an 11-hour flight to Shanghai, a 4-hour layover followed by a 3-hour flight delay to Wuhan, I have finally arrived... to be greeted by a blanket of hot humidity at 3am. A shuttle bus brought us to our apartments on campus, which is about an hour's car ride from the airport.

The next morning, we went on a big shopping trip to what is equivalent to a Wal-Mart. Everything was dirt-cheap; it made me wonder how everything in Canada could be so over-priced despite expensive labour. After doing some people-observing, I can say that Wuhan is a very young city. The majority of people walking around are in their early twenties, and are probably university/college students. Also, probably because the area we are in is Wuchang, and not downtown Hankou, people are relatively friendly compared to what I recall to be the attitudes of people in China. For instance, I have yet to be yelled at for not being able to speak proper Mandarin although I am Chinese, and I have been shoved by anyone yet (save for that one guy who pushed me out of his way at the Shanghai airport). Honestly, I had really low expectations before coming here, and what I have seen so far in terms of people, environment, and what is sold in stores and supermarkets, have impressed me.

The next big step now is trying to find a good place off campus to move to. The apartments on campus are decent, but my particular one has a showerhead that basically dribbles out water due to lack of pressure, and the fact that the campus is so isolated makes it almos feel prison-like. I really do want to settle down soon because I feel like I can't focus on work until this housing issue is sorted out.


  1. Glad to hear you're safe!! Now, I'm curious to know what dt is like! Pictures when you get the chance ;)
