Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the cold is coming

It's amazing how fast the temperature can drop. Last week, I was still wearing a t-shirt. Today, I have to wear my fuzzy jacket to go teach. Yup, winter is coming and there is no going back. I have heard too often about how miserablet the winters are here in Wuhan. It's going to be a long, bleak winter. I think many people on staff will flee from this place come June.

On another note, it's now the end of October already! Crazy how fast time flies here. Students are busy prepping for midterms that are rolling around next week. I'm trying to cram in the last bunch of marking before report card time. Busy busy busy. I seem to have no life anymore.


  1. Wear enough clothing and get the flu shot if you haven't already.

  2. Wear less clothing and see how many students hit on you.

  3. What do you do when you're not in school/marking/writing exams?
